Bliss Choclate Factory

Monday, November 1, 2010


Click on the links below to learn the songs school.

 EHARA I TE MEA  - Click on this link

E hara i te mea
No naianei te aroha
No nga tupuna

Tuku iho tuku iho

Te whenua te whenua
Te oranga mo te iwi
No nga tupuna
Tuku iho tuku iho

Whakapono tumanako
Te aroha ki te iwi
No nga tupuna
Tuku iho tuku iho

PUREA NEI - Click on this link

Purea nei e te hau
Horoia e te ua
Whiti whitia e te rā
Mahea ake ngā pōraruraru
Mākere ana ngā here
E rere wairua e rere
Ki ngā ao o te rangi
Whiti whitia e te rā
Mahea ake ngā pōraruraru
Mākere ana ngā here

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

WEb Quest

How do we remember and preserve the past?
What makes people leave a footprint?
Do people always leave a footprint on purpose?
What kind of footprint is left the most?
What footprints last the longest?

These are some of your questions for Inquiry....
One way to find out more about the footprints people leave is to find out more about the people who left them.

Your task is to select and complete a Webquest in your research team to grow your knowledge.
Check out the links below then select one webquest to complete with your inquiry group.

Choose something you are interested in and looks like fun.
Some of these require you to print a sheet to guide your thinking and record ideas.

Easter Island - Stone Heads

Stories of Native Tribes - Montana

Mthology Webquest

Ancient Egypt

Mideval Times

Middle Ages

Life in Egypt

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Welcome to Term 4 of 2010. For many of you this is your last term at primary school and you are preparing to move on to intemediate school. For others you are preparing to take on the role of senior school students as Year 6 students and will be able to take on more responsibilities in the school such as Assembly Leaders, Jump Jam leaders, librarians, and Dynamos.
Now is the time to start thinking about the things you would like to achieve next year by contributing to the school community and deciding what things you would like to try out next year such as new sports and clubs.

We had a fantastic and meaningful Inquiry last term. lets begin to explore the way different peoples have left their footprint when they have moved on from a place of time. i can think of pyramids, carvings and murals. What can you think of?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rotokawa School PJ and Coin Trail Day

This morning when I got up I was ready to go to school because it was a pj day and coin trail to raise money for all the victims from the Christchurch earthquake. I was feeling really good beacause today we got to read our favourite book to the junors. Me and my friend raised over $160 just going roumd our neighbourhood. It felt good to see all the money people had donated so other people could have a better life after such a devistating experience that change their lives forever. This morning was so much fun because it made me feel like the whole community cared about the less fortunate.
These people came from the Daily Post newspaper and took photos of the awesome boys who started the fundraiser.
Ryan Kelly and Anahera Hunter, and luckly me and my friend, got to go in the news paper too and my other friend Samantha got to too. There where so many photos and it might go on the front page. It will be really embarrassing to be in the paper in our pj's but it is for a good cause.

Today has been a total success!

By Rose P

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Christchurch Earthquake

Ryan and Anahera have aranged a  PJ and coin trail day to help raise funds for victims of the Christchurch earthquake. They have challenged other schools in Rotorua to do the same. Kids in our class have been making a difference in their own time for the coin trail on Friday. We are very proud of our class. We have contributed to a wiki about the earthquake.

Check out our cintribution to the Earthquake wiki for kids.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tree Planting

On the 2nd of September our class went to the Ngati Rangiteaorere Kahikatea Stand near the Whakatane turn off on SH30. We met up with Richard Guest and his team from NZ Wildlands who showed us how to plant trees correctly.

He showed us the bright ribbons that indicated there were plants placed in the area for planting. We got into groups of 2 or 3  and collected the fertiliser tablets and spades. We went into the shrub and started planting.

We all worked very hard, using the correct techniqes to ensure that the 200 Rata trees we planted had a fighting chance of survival. We were helping restore the land to native bush and plants.

At the end of the two hours of planting we all gathered around the sign that showed where we were and so we could create memories that students  in ten years time could look at to find out what it we did when we were at Rotokawa.

Liam, Mikey and Mrs tetley working hard.

Richard guest and his team.

Getting Connected

As part of our inquiry into 'getting connected' this term we have interviewed people who have been students or teachers at Rotokawa School in the past and some that have are still here after a long time.

Liam's mum came in and talked to us and she brought photographs and old newsletters with her. Nature's mum came in and talked to the class about her time at Rotokawa school. We all enjoyed finding out about Rotokawa School this way. It was so interesting.

Our research groups have interviewed people to find out mor.
Super Solvers interviewed Whaea Aneta.
Investors interviewed Mr Frogget who worked here for a very long time.
All Blacks interviewed Liam's mum Mrs Mowbray.
Freak Street interviewed Anahera's uncle Miharo Armstrong.
Searchenaters interviewed Matua Oots
Marshmallows interviewed Nature's mum.
JFP interviewed Mrs Fry who is still teaching here after many years.

The Hippies and the Investors will be doing their interviews next week.