Bliss Choclate Factory

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rotokawa School PJ and Coin Trail Day

This morning when I got up I was ready to go to school because it was a pj day and coin trail to raise money for all the victims from the Christchurch earthquake. I was feeling really good beacause today we got to read our favourite book to the junors. Me and my friend raised over $160 just going roumd our neighbourhood. It felt good to see all the money people had donated so other people could have a better life after such a devistating experience that change their lives forever. This morning was so much fun because it made me feel like the whole community cared about the less fortunate.
These people came from the Daily Post newspaper and took photos of the awesome boys who started the fundraiser.
Ryan Kelly and Anahera Hunter, and luckly me and my friend, got to go in the news paper too and my other friend Samantha got to too. There where so many photos and it might go on the front page. It will be really embarrassing to be in the paper in our pj's but it is for a good cause.

Today has been a total success!

By Rose P